Thursday Morning Randomness: 33 Fun Pics and Memes for Your Amusement
If there's one week the whole year to kick your feet up and have some fun, it's this one.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
If there's one week in the whole year to kick your feet up and have some fun, it's this one. Who cares if you get anything done between Christmas and the New Year? Just like drinks don't count on vacation, nothing matters during this strange half-week. As a result, you have our permission to kick your feet up and click through these 33 fun and random pics instead of doing whatever society would have you doing right now.
If there's one thing everyone can get behind during the holiday season, it's gifts that both children and adults can enjoy. For example, one photo here shows the children's book, Hookers and Blow Save Christmas by Munty C. Pepin. This entirely innocent story about a sentient snowblower and and his tow truck friend is sure to give any book-loving child a good time, while also providing their parents with some much-needed entertainment. I'm sure Dad, and his Uncle Charlie who works on Wall Street, are both well acquainted with snow blowing.
If that pics sound fun, you can check it out along with other holiday-themed funnies, and general entertaining randomness. Nobody is checking your work today, so you might as well have some fun here.